The Cooperative

Founded because of necessity…

The ‘Health in India 2016’ report based on the 71st round of the National Sample (January-June, 2014) reveals that more than 70% of ailment spells were treated in the private sector. The majority rely on savings, and many rely on borrowings. Buying medicines for non-hospitalised treatment accounts for most of the cost. The situation has changed little since. Sadly, the government sector lacks capacity and fails to meet expectations.

Also, collusive behaviour in healthcare is well documented. Evidence from a study conducted in Assam (COHED Project) suggests the frequency of ‘referrals’ for diagnostic tests was very high. Doctors recommend a particular diagnostic laboratory. In many instances, these tests might not have been necessary. There is a ‘usual practice’ of paying commissions/cuts to the referring doctors by these diagnostic clinics and pathological labs.

The way forward…

Cooperatives worldwide have established themselves as successful players in various segments of the economy, e.g., credit and banking, dairy, marketing, housing, fisheries, fertilisers, handlooms, handicrafts, etc. On the other hand, cooperatives in the healthcare sector in the country are negligible so far. Nevertheless, there is no reason why cooperatives can not play a critical role. The Assam Healthcare Cooperative Society is the first of its kind, and it was established on the strength of citizens without government patronage. The cooperative is determined to address some of the problems cited above and be a strong and caring alternative by strategically intervening in the market based on the collective power of its members and well-established principles of cooperative spirit.

A brief History

  • 2016



    The Cooperative was founded to address some of the problems mentioned above, and be a strong and caring alternative by strategically intervening in the market based on the collective power of its members and well-established principles of cooperative spirit.

  • 2018

    Community Outreach

    Since inception, we have conducted regular Chronic Disease Preventative Health Checkup camps and the model become well established. This is our flagship community outreach programme, which our shareholders are keen to support. We have been doing this without outside funding, purely with the help of local doctors and healthcare staff volunteering for the cause.


  • 2020

    Proof of Concept

    Our beneficiary membership grew to several thousand, which gave us the strength to negotiate better rates from private medical care providers. More than 50 private medical providers, including Apollo, Indraprastha, and Medicity Medanta in the New Delhi Capital Region, tied up with us to offer our members significant rebates on their bills. Collected data, when extrapolated, show that our members reaped several crores rupees of benefits. The proof of concept of a citizen leveraging its combined strength has been firmly established.

  • 2021


    At our head office in Guwahati, we have established two franchisees viz., Thyrocare and Pathkind, two all-India leading diagnostic laboratory chains.


  • 2023

    Not-for-Profit Status

    We obtained registration under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs mandated ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ funding prigramme by the corporate sectors. At the same time, we received registration under 80G of the Income Tax Act whereby individuals donating money to the Cooperative are eligible for tax rebates. We have modified our governing document suitably to reflect our activities, which are predominantly Not-for-profit. We are now on a sound footing to raise CSR/Philatrophic funding for capital project like a hospital.

Our Vision

Guided by the cooperative principles, we endeavour to create a sustainable enterprise and expand securing cooperation and agreement with established providers. We collaborate with other like-minded institutions by sharing resources and the capabilities to build an ethical alliance and attain a competitive advantage over the unscrupulous players to make medical care affordable to as many citizens as possible.

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